This is the portfolio site for Gerry Creighton, I do all of my web work under the name "The Spike Ranch".

The Spike Ranch, in southern New Jersey, creates traditional HTML websites, banner ads, plus Adobe Flash games & applications.The Spike Ranc QR Code image

We could spin a cliché-ridden tale of how crisp, slick, clean and well-behaved multimedia and website design is your key to world domination in your market segment. But, quite frankly, here at the Spike Ranch, we don't buy into that particular line of commercial claptrap.

The Internet is a tool for you to use to promote your business. It's cool, it's fun and it's amazing (kind of like the Spike Ranch). It's probably the most powerful communication tool science has created in recent memory.

It's a tool, a way to get to Point B. And that's where The Spike Ranch comes in. You know what you want to accomplish. We have the chops to make it happen.


Web Design & Development

Need a Website?

 The Spike Ranch logo

Spike Ranch creates custom, effective and fast-loading websites, employing professional web authoring tools and years of real-world experience to create/promote your products, services and ideas to a worldwide audience - at a price that won't make you go all buggy-eyed.

Spend a minute or two checking out the portfolio. You'll quickly notice that Spike Ranch is southern New Jersey's cutting-edge, cool, hip and happening web design firm. But cool doesn't mean "out there." Our clients have real websites, doing real work on the real Web.

Flash Animations & Code Snippets

Flash Banners

Banners and more banners...

I've had plenty of time to work on banners in production while at CIM (Comcast Interactive Media) and with other Ad Agencies. Below are some samples of banners that I built for various ad servers using the clickTAG requirement. In building a lot of these banners I wanted a way to speed up production so I created an extension for the Flash IDE. With one click of a button your can create the starting point for a banner with the size, Actionscript 2 code and a blank button built with in an .fla file.

You can read more and purchase the extension on Adobe's site here.

Agency Work ('07-'09)

Agency work from days gone by.

In order to grow as a developer and or designer you have to know where you've been and where you are headed. I like to keep up with web standards and other future technologies but also learn from my past work. Below are links of work that I've done in the past for various agencies.